Demonstrating that it is about ‘more than modular and offsite construction’, MTX has completed a refurbishment, remodelling and extension of the existing Resuscitation Department at Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital, creating a new resus unit incorporating additional beds and state of the art equipment, while adjacent clinical activity continued uninterrupted.
Meticulous project planning, the experience, skills and fast-track construction expertise of MTX’s team – which worked a 24-hour continuous shift to achieve the quickest programme – and the use of a lightweight steel frame, coupled with close liaison with the Trust’s clinical and other personnel, saw the facility completed ahead of schedule.
Dubbing the scheme ‘one of the most exciting projects our local NHS has been involved in’, Ann James, chief executive of the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, said the difference the facility would make to patients was ‘beyond words’. She explained: “We’ve been waiting for this development for a long time and our MTX colleagues have been superb in working with our clinical team to achieve such a transformation ahead of schedule. In just 10 days, we’ve been able to really change a whole department.”
Ann James explained that not only would the facility give staff a ‘huge morale boost’, but that the change for patients would be ‘extraordinary’. She said: “They will be able to be treated at times of greatest need with privacy, dignity and with all the right staff and equipment around them.” Thanks to the ‘pulling together’ of Trust and MTX personnel, the project had been completed with no impact on activity within the adjacent Emergency Department, which had continued to run unhindered ‘24/7’. The project had, the Trust CEO said, been ‘truly transformational’ and would support people ‘for generations to come’.