MTX to provide a new Emergency Department extension to Leighton Hospital
MTX has been awarded the contract to provide Leighton Hospital in Crewe with a new 2-storey Emergency Department (ED) extension.
Leighton Hospital is managed by Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and has seen substantial investment in recent years, including a purpose-built extension which was fitted out with 8 state of the art theatres and an impressive new intensive care unit.
The new ED extension will provide a modular A&E build that will offer a larger, better and safer environment for patients and staff. The accommodation will include increased numbers of treatment rooms, rapid assessment rooms, isolation bays, resus bays, a bereavement suite and both CT and X-Ray capability. It will also provide a dedicated paediatric unit and mental health assessment rooms. The first floor will comprise of offices, staff facilities and the plantroom.
The project will also yield efficiencies and deliver greater clinical effectiveness through the co-location of the proposed new build to the old site, allowing the relocation of ambulatory care services into the existing footprint. This will achieve, in effect, the development of an Urgent Care Village which will support more cohesive working and improve patient experience and reduce assessment times.
The onsite MTX team is currently progressing with enabling works and the scheme is due to be completed later this year.