Installation of a single Modular Operating Theatre completed in August 2008.
MTX were awarded the contract to Design and Build Theatre Number 6 at Royal Brompton Hospital, London. The new Theatre was built using innovative modular construction technology which included the fit-out provision for M & E infrastructure.
The client required the new Operating Theatre Suite building to be positioned within the centre of a light well and suspended on a bespoke steel platform with integral enabling access/egress to the existing level 3 corridors.
A co-ordinated and strategic plan was put in place to manoeuvre the modular buildings from North East England into London. Road closures and traffic management were employed to carry out the one day installation. A 500 tonne crane was used to lift the modules over the existing hospital onto the platform.
Another aspect of the modular construction was the installation of a modular internal partitioning panelling system. The steel faced panels present the client a limited maintenance and a decoration free finish. Laminated hardwood doors were also installed sustaining a clinical environment.
Two Plant Rooms were installed above the new Operating Theatre, Mechanical and Electrical Services were housed within one, and a specialised reverse osmosis plant installed in the other. Both Plant Rooms had integral concrete floors eliminating any potential vibration issues within the Theatre below.
Upon positioning of the units, the Operating Theatre was commissioned and validated ready to use with a 10 week period.
Theatre staff have commented that their ‘state-of-the-art’ Operating Theatre is fabulous and is a spacious and comfortable place to work.